Bus Accidents in Texas | Your Legal Options

To learn more about bus accidents in Texas, reach out to our skilled Houston bus accident lawyer today. Our legal team will help you obtain the compensation you need to heal.

What are the bus regulations and laws in Texas?

When understanding your legal options after a bus accident in Texas, it is important to recognize the National Bus Regulations, including school bus regulations. They are as follows:

  • Bus drivers must carry a Commercial Driver’s License
  • If the bus driver is impaired, he or she cannot drive a bus
  • The bus driver must be free of intoxication (drugs or alcohol) prior to driving a bus
  • School buses must carry liability insurance complying with general liability regulations
  • School buses must carry signal lamps that display flashing red lights
  • The bus driver must be secured by a seatbelt, although its passengers may not be required a seatbelt
  • The speed limit for school buses in Texas is 55 mph on the interstate and 50 mph on any other highway

Can I file a claim and obtain compensation for my bus accident in Texas?

In the event that you were injured as a result of your bus driver’s failure to obey bus regulations, resulting in an accident, you will likely be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. You should also recognize, however, that in some cases, bus accidents may be caused by defective bus parts, which may indicate that you have a valid product liability claim. Generally, those injured in bus accidents will take one of two courses when seeking compensation:

  • Negligence and Gross Negligence: An individual may be held liable for an accident when they fail to follow a “duty of care,” which is also referred to as negligence. The driver or the company/school representing the bus and bus driver may be put to blame if the choices made on their part exhibited negligence. Gross negligence can be associated with an accident where an individual performed a careless act. An intoxicated school bus driver, for instance, may relate to gross negligence in an accident for determining to act recklessly in the situation.
  • Product Liability: Product liability should always be viewed when investigating bus accidents. Bus accidents are not always instantly related to the driver but to the automobile itself. If the bus had some error in its design, mechanics, or manufacturing, then the case can result in a product liability case. In this circumstance, the liability can be directed back to the manufacturer of the bus itself, not just the transportation company.

Do not wait to reach out to our firm today to speak with a Houston auto accident lawyer if you were injured in a bus accident. Our legal team is on your side.


If you require legal representation for personal injury matters, look no further than The Gonzalez Law Group. Schedule your initial consultation with our team to learn more about our services and how we can assist you. Contact us today.