What Qualifies Pain and Suffering?

woman suffering

When you’re the victim of an accident, the effects can have a serious impact on the rest of your life. Unfortunately, you could endure lifelong pain, lost property, and chronic mental issues as a result of an accident at the hands of a negligent party. However, you do not have to suffer in silence. Though you know you can receive payment for your medical bills and damaged property, you may not know that you are also eligible for compensation for the pain and suffering you’ve endured. Keep reading to learn more about what this term means and how Houston personal injury attorneys can help.

How Do You Prove Pain and Suffering?

If you’ve been a victim of a car crash or premises liability accident, you may, unfortunately, experience pain and suffering. One of the worst things about accidents is that they don’t go away when the event is over. You can suffer the effects of a car accident or slip and fall for the rest of your life. This is due to the wide variety of physical and emotional wounds that fall under the umbrella of the phrase.

Physical pain can be easier to prove, as there are often visual signs of damage. X-rays of broken bones, MRIs, and photographs of scarring or bruising can all be used to illustrate the physical pain a person experiences.

Mental pain and suffering can be more challenging to prove. This is because these injuries are often “invisible” despite the reality of the feelings. Examples of pain and suffering include a diminished quality of life, chronic injuries that lead to lifelong pain, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In order to prove mental anguish, you should collect records of therapy sessions, personal journals, and time missed from work to demonstrate that your quality of life has decreased as a result of the accidents sustained.

Am I Eligible for Compensation?

In Texas, you are eligible to receive compensation for pain and suffering in personal injury lawsuits. This is a silver lining for those who have suffered due to the actions of another party’s negligence.

Luckily there is no cap on the compensation a victim can receive in a majority of pain and suffering suits. The only exception, however, is in medical malpractice cases. Texas does impose a $250,000 cap on the amount of damages received by the victim of negligence by a healthcare provider.

What Is the Statute of Limitations?

The statute of limitations on personal injury cases in Texas is two years from the date of the accident. It is imperative that you file the suit as soon as possible to ensure that the details and documentation of your accident aren’t forgotten or lost over time.

If you were injured, filing a lawsuit is essential to receiving the justice you deserve. At The Gonzalez Law Group, we’re dedicated to fighting for you. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case.