What’s the Difference Between an Invitee and Licensee in a Texas Premises Liability Case?

premises liability case

When hurt on someone’s property, you may not know that your status as a guest can impact the duty of care the property owner is required to establish.  Though you may think a guest is a guest, the different types of people on another’s property directly impact a settlement amount if injured in another person’s home or business. If you’re not sure what your status is before your premises liability case, you’ll want to keep reading to learn more and discover how a Houston premises liability lawyer can help you navigate your case.

Invitee vs. Licensee: How Do They Differ in a Premises Liability Case?

Generally, when invited to another person’s home or entering a business, there are three kinds of visitors – invitees, licensees, and trespassers.

An invitee is someone the property owner has explicitly or implicitly invited onto their property for business purposes. This includes electricians, mail carriers, or those shopping in stores. In these instances, the property owner has a higher level of care for an invitee, as there is a mutual benefit for both parties. A property owner must take measures to protect all invites from hazards and dangerous conditions on the property by remedying them as soon as possible.

A licensee, on the other hand, is a guest. This includes friends, family members, and acquaintances on your property for social reasons. Licensees do require some notice about hazards. Generally, a property owner must inform them of any dangers on the property, but they do not have to remedy them before the guest arrives.

Finally, trespassers are people on your property who are there without your explicit or implied consent. It is important to note that a salesman does not count as a trespasser unless you have a sign on your property strictly forbidding solicitors from entering your property. You generally do not owe any duty of care to someone on your property without your permission.

What Should You Do if You’re Hurt On Someone Else’s Property?

When injured on someone else’s property due to their negligence, you should seek medical treatment for your injuries first and foremost. Ensuring you visit a doctor to assess the severity of your injuries is vital to staying healthy. If possible, you should also collect evidence like witness statements, photographs, and videos of the accident scene. This can help when filing a lawsuit.

If you sustain injuries due to a property owner’s negligence, you shouldn’t suffer in silence. You’ll want to reach out to a seasoned personal injury attorney to help fight for the justice you deserve. At the Gonzalez Law Group, our dedicated legal team will do everything in our power to help you receive the compensation you are entitled to. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you.