Can I Sue for a Slip and Fall in a Hospital in Texas?

hospital room

Hospitals are notorious for being uncomfortable places, as many only go when they or a loved one are sick or injured. As such, when you’re in the hospital as a patient or visitor, the last thing you expect is to sustain injuries on the premises. Unfortunately, these accidents happen, so knowing how to respond if you’re the victim of a slip and fall in a hospital or other healthcare facility is vital. The following blog explores what you should know about these circumstances and how to pursue damages with the help of a Houston premises liability lawyer.

How Can a Slip and Fall in a Hospital Happen?

Though many associate hospitals with safety and care, it’s necessary to understand that accidents in these facilities can happen. Because these buildings are often riddled with germs and bacteria, they are constantly cleaned. As such, the most common cause of slips and falls in hospitals is wet floors. If a staff member does not put up proper signage indicating that the floor may be slippery, unsuspecting passers-by can lose their footage and sustain serious injuries when they fall.

However, wet floors are not the only reason someone can fall. Unfortunately, if there are wires left on the ground, loose carpeting, broken floor tiles, unsafe stairwells, or inadequate lighting, someone can become injured as a result.

If you slip and fall, you can incur severe damages, including broken bones, sprains, strains, neck and spinal cord injuries, back damage, traumatic brain injuries, lacerations, and dental damage.

Who Can Face Liability?

In general, the hospital itself can face liability. This is because the people in charge must hire staff members and ensure they receive adequate training. As such, if a custodian forgets to put up a wet floor sign, the hospital as an entity will face legal action as opposed to the employee. This is because an owner is ultimately responsible for the actions of the people they hire to complete job duties.

When you slip and fall in a hospital, you can recover both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are calculable, actual monetary losses you’ve incurred as a result of the accident like medical bills, lost wages, and the cost of prescriptions. Non-economic damages are more subjective and cover things like pain and suffering, humiliation, and loss of enjoyment of life.

It’s important to understand that the hospital will likely try to settle with you to avoid a court battle. However, they will likely greatly undervalue the compensation you deserve for their negligence. As such, you should never agree to a settlement deal without consulting an attorney.

At the Gonzalez Law Group, we understand the impact a slip and fall can have on your life. That’s why it’s imperative to understand that our team is dedicated to helping you receive the compensation you deserve. Reach out today to learn how we will fight for you.